Physical death is inevitable, but spiritual life is eternal. Are you living like one who has eternal...
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done! Is your heart ready to receive the kingdom of GOD which is alrea...
We will all die one day, it is for certain. The blessing is that, death is not final for those who b...
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What's the true meaning of life? Is it having loads of money, having all yo...
Trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding....
The sword of the spirit is the power of the WORD, the WORD that was made f...
Sealed until the day of Redemption or are you choosing to live for self. Th...
God calls us to make a clear choice. Will we be hot, cold? Unfortunately, i...
When you are sharing your testimony, is it laced with Jesus? Jesus the onl...
Unforgiveness creates a hardness of the heart, but True forgiveness comes f...
The thief on the cross inherited the Kingdom only by belief that Jesus was...
Being saved is one thing, but being born again, is believing that your old...
Many of us, default to "Well, if it's God's will" Do we really know what th...
The path to to live right is narrow, and broad is the way of destruction. T...
There is a deeper message we need to understand, Christ didn't just come to...
Pride is a hinderance to us seeing the will of the Father in our lives. Whe...
No one knows when the end will come but as eternal spiritual beings we find...
Before Jesus ascended, He gave us a purpose, this purpose was for all that...
Walking in victory begins with understanding that you are God's creation, a...
God is love, and we understand love because He is.
Perhaps self control is taking a mental and physical pause. God has made a...
The meek are able to inherit the earth because of the readiness in their He...
Faith is the foundation of our existence? By Grace through FAITH you are sa...
How do you describe Gods character? Goodness definitely comes to mind, It's...
Joy is connected to hope, what mental picture do you have of your outcomes?...
Let the Peace of God rule your heart, the key word here is 'LET'!We must re...
Our old man (mind that's not renewed) always thirsts for achievement, and t...
When we believe it and confess Christ as Lord and Savior, our gift is not o...
Part 2 of Walking in the fruits of the Spirit. We go even deeper in identif...
Apostle Paul mentioned time and time again in his letters that he was fully...
Part 1 of Beware of deception. We go even deeper in identifying the fruits...
The Bible warns us not be deceived, so how will we identify deception?
When we became born again, our flesh was crucified with Christ, and we beca...
What ‘things’ are consuming your life right now? As citizens of the Kingdom...
What teaching do you live by? There are so many "truth's' people live by, b...
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done! Is your heart ready to receive the king...
Physical death is inevitable, but spiritual life is eternal. Are you living...
Part 2...God has given us the ability to choose, so what we choose today wi...
God has given us the ability to choose, so what we choose today will determ...
Often times we look at repentance as being sorrowful, but Jesus shows us th...
When you pray, is it like you are making a wish to a genie or do you really...
Have you ever used these cliches?God works in mysterious ways!May not comin...
Victory, Victory, Victory! Sometimes we might feel pressed on every side, b...
We will all die one day, it is for certain. The blessing is that, death is...
As we grow closer to Christ, we become more equipped with tools to handle t...
What do you identify with? The color of your skin, your ethnicity, national...
It is very important for us to know the truth versus a lie. How can we iden...
When you hear worship, do you think of music? What is true worship, music o...
Do you know that Jesus died for your freedom? In Him there is true freedom,...
When we receive salvation, and inward transformation happens internally and...
Are you quick to listen, and slow to speak? This wisdom will save us from s...
God is so close to His people. His promise is that He will never leave us n...
The Holy Spirit is our power source, tap into it, and learn and grow from h...
What's holding your life up? What's your house built upon, sand or a rock.
Does your life look different now that you are born again?
God cares about your, think about it; It's the central organ in your body,...
God cares about your, think about it; It's the central organ in your body,...
What shapes your life? What has the final authority in your life? What does...
What shapes your life? What has the final authority in your life? What does...
What shapes your life? What has the final authority in your life? What does...
Are you rooted in Christ? They say the deeper the roots, the stronger the t...
Is he a ghost? What is his role in my life as a believer?
Who is the Son of Man? Is he just a Prophet? Is he just a teacher? Or is he...
Many ask, who is God? Did he create everything? Where is he? These question...
As born again believers, we should continue to grow into our true identity....
I believe you God, but...